You Can Have It All, But Not All at the Same Time, Part 2 (Summer Break)

Thomas and Sharon Braxton

Transitions are never easy and they oftentimes put our faith in God to the test. In Part 2 of Sharon’s story, she continues to take us on a journey through her “seasons of life.” She talks candidly about her transition from being “single” to becoming a wife and mother, and the difficulties and challenges she encountered as she transitioned from practicing law at a top ranked Dallas firm to becoming a broadcast journalist in a Top 5 market.

During those times where she faced ridicule and felt fearful or inadequate, Sharon learned that her significance comes from seeing her true worth through God’s eyes. She gained confidence and strength by embracing one of her favorite scriptures, “I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jer. 29:11)

Listen as Sharon shares how she learned to put her full trust in the Lord and walk in patience as He nurtured her through the process of growing from a caterpillar in the cocoon to a beautiful butterfly ready to soar and live out her ultimate destiny.