From God’s House to the White House

Jan Burmeister

Jan Burmeister

Jan Burmeister grew up with no real “definitive” plan for her life.  After high school, she thought she’d go to college for a while, get married, maybe work a little and then have a couple of kids. So she enrolled in business school to get some marketable skills but it all seemed like a “hapless venture” without clear direction.  Although Jan didn’t have a plan for her life, God sure did!!  Little did she know that she had enrolled in what she now calls “God’s Private University,” and that God would use all of her training to prepare her for work that would have a lasting impact on her life and countless others.  God strategically opened doors for Jan to work in a variety of places…including Disney, an international consulting firm, a national radio ministry, the U.S. Olympics, a Billy Graham Crusade, the Department of Homeland Security, and the “White House” for 5 U.S. Presidents…Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 41 & Bush 43.  Jan truly lives life “on purpose with a purpose.” For over 40 years now, God has used all of her skills, gifts, talents, passion and experiences to intricately weave together a “tapestry” that reveals His power and sovereignty over her life, and His grace & mercy that has covered her every step of the way.