More Than a Miracle

Carolyn Williams

Carolyn Williams

In 2000, while working as a Systems Engineer, Carolyn Williams was diagnosed with a benign but dangerous and inoperable brain tumor.  In this segment called, “More Than a Miracle,” Carolyn shares her personal battle as she experienced the grueling side effects of medications and treatments designed to shrink the tumor.  But through this challenging process, Carolyn’s faith and prayer life were strengthened as she trusted God for a miracle.  But for Carolyn, the miracle healing she received was only part of her blessing.  While facing what seemed to be a “set back,” God “set her up” by giving her a “vision” where she received fresh revelation on finances and kingdom wealth.  After being healed, she was sparked with a passion to live, teach and coach money management and wealth building to people of all walks of life.  She accomplishes this through her company Money reVerse, a financial coaching business that teaches and encourages financial empowerment using a Christian Biblical foundation.