Excellent Choices #3


Sometimes life can get messy and we find ourselves in a difficult place. God is still a God of miracles. He can make a way for us, even when we have participated in our own dilemma. His grace and mercy can and will help us to find our way over, under or through the valley. Excellent choices will protect us because we can learn to choose the better way. We have the power to choose. People of excellence know how to avoid some negative situations by using wisdom. In scripture, we read about Daniel who was kept by angels in the lion’s den. That was the miraculous intervention of God. After his deliverance, it was excellence that caused him to have favor with the king. Excellent decisions will save some tread on your life! Excellent people avoid difficult people and are problem solvers. Solutions excite them. They are lubricators not agitators. Look for the best in a situation. Make the atmosphere around you shift toward the positive. Offer solutions. Excellent people value time. They are dependable. If they do not value your time, then chances are they will not value their time either. If you do not learn how to schedule your day, then the day will scatter you. Before you realize it, time has flown by, the day has passed, and you have accomplished very little. This pattern of behavior builds insecurities. It creates anxiety. Make lists. Write it down. Check it off. When you finish a project, the sense of accomplishment is exhilarating. Finish the project. Manage the time. Proverbs tells you to guard your heart. Guard your time. Guard your space. Guard your atmosphere. The reward will be worth it.