Excellent Choices #2


God is our ultimate protection, but wise choices will also serve as a protection. He is our Way maker. He can open doors that no man can open and shut doors that no man can open. If in our humanity we find ourselves in a difficult place, God in His mercy, will bring us out or He will bring us through. I can make good decisions and sound choices after having asked God for divine wisdom. If I do this, I will avoid some crises for which I would have to beg God for deliverance. It is hard to be a person of excellence when you continually surround yourself with difficult people who resist your vision or purpose. Invite those you love. Jesus said in the gospels, “Whosoever will, may come.” The invitation is open to everyone. However, it is important that you learn to invest yourself in those who love you. Giving all your resources to everyone, all the time, will result in burn out. Excellent people are problem solvers. Solutions excite them. They are answer oriented. Many notice the crisis. All too few are focused on the solution to the problem. There are some individuals who feed on drama. You can surround yourself with lubricators or agitators. Lubricators make everything around them run more smoothly. They help. They are a benefit to the situation. Agitators are human stop signs. They will be the first in line to tell you why something cannot or should not be done. If you become a problem solver, you will be welcome in almost any business or personal relationships. Choose wisely!