There is Life After Death

Gerald Walker

Gerald Walker

Gerald Walker is a successful entrepreneur and businessman. He is also a loving father who experienced the loss of his teenage son. Today's segment follows him through his recovery, after the suicide of his beautiful boy. Gerald reveals the dangers of technology and exposes the risks of parental lack of experience with social media. His purpose in life is to sound the alarm through education and to fight for the lives of others who have no advocate. He does this through the foundation set up in his son's name. Gerald is also actively involved in the construction of a major medical facility, in a country where people are dying in the streets. His message is simple, but can change the world. It can be summed up in a few sentences. His son's life mattered. His life matters. Your life matters. Run your race. The world needs YOU!


Gerald’s Book: Never Make a Permanent Decision Based on a Temporary Situation