And The Day Came

Lynnette Simm

Lynnette Simm

Our guest today is Dr. Lynnette Simm.  She lives in the Dallas/Ft Worth area with her husband of over 20 years and their two beautiful teenage daughters.  Lynnette is very accomplished holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Education and a PhD also in Education.  She has worked in early childhood development and as a college professor since 2006.  Although on the outside she seemed to “have it all,” with a successful career, loving husband, and beautiful daughters, on the inside she was struggling to cope with years of hurt, brokenness and trauma that began during childhood when she experienced not only verbal and physical abuse in the home, but also sexual abuse off and on from the age of 9 until about 14 at the hands of a family member.  In our segment today called “And The Day Came” which is also the title of her book, Lynnette will share how she buried the pain and hurt from being abandoned and abused as a young girl so much so, that her past trauma began to overshadow her adult life…threatening to destroy her family and causing her to make choices and decisions she would later regret.  But with the help of therapy and God’s loving kindness & mercy, her feelings of worthlessness, self-loathing, and depression began to slowly dissipate. She has now been able to rebuild “authentic” relationships with her family and experience true healing and true forgiveness that she never thought possible.