My Brother's Keeper

MaryRose Hamilton

MaryRose Hamilton

MaryRose has worked in Dallas/Ft Worth as an “on air” radio personality for over 20 years with stops at KVIL, KAAM, other local stations and network radio from coast to coast.  Since 2015, MaryRose has been on air at KLTY, and currently she is the host of her own popular weekday show where she refers to herself as “Ginger fun”…playing inspiring and encouraging music and providing listeners with a laugh here and there” to help end their day on a positive note.  But off “the mic,” for many years, MaryRose’s life was no “laughing matter.”  She battled a ten year addiction to prescription drugs and alcohol which caused her personal and professional life to spiral out of control, and put a “wedge” between her and her family that seemed impossible to overcome.  In a segment called, “My Brother’s Keeper,” hear how MaryRose’s brother, also a recovering addict, led her to the Lord and inspired her to completely surrender her life to God.  Now sober since 2005, MaryRose will share how God totally healed her heart from the wounds of past mistakes, restored broken relationships and set her on a new trajectory where she is living life beyond her “wildest dreams.”