Seeking Wholeness in a Time of Chaos

Sara Davis

Sara Davis

Due to the COVID-19 virus and the need to “shelter in place,” we’re bringing this show to you remotely because we feel it’s important do our part to stay connected with you, even if our internet connection is a little temperamental at times.  We’re excited to have as our special guest today, Life Coach & Wellness Expert, Sara Davis, who is also a member of the MLFL team.  Many of you may have heard Sara’s personal story as a guest in two previous segments…one with her husband, Keith where she shared the remarkable story of how God transformed and restored her broken marriage…and recently she came back on the show to share her personal journey of living with Macular Degeneration, an incurable eye disease that causes vision loss.  As our resident “Wellness Expert,” we asked Sara to come back and be with us today to share her wisdom an insight in a segment we call “Seeking Wholeness in A Time of Chaos.”

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