Warrior Princess

Ashley Seal

Ashley Seal

Ashley Seal grew up in Dallas, Texas. From a very early age, she fell in love with entertaining and knew she wanted to pursue a career in acting.  She joined a musical theater company and performed throughout high school debuting as “Leisl” in the Sound of Music.  She graduated from college, worked as a “runway model” in Nashville (in spite of being only 5 feet 4 inches tall), and worked on the finance team of a major corporation.  Eventually, in 2013, Ashley’s “passion” for acting took over.  She gave her two weeks’ notice, packed up her car, said her goodbyes to friends and family, and drove almost 1500 miles across the country to Los Angeles, CA.  In a segment called, “Warrior Princess” Ashley will share the challenges she faced as an aspiring actress in Hollywood…including rejection, disappointment, illness, depression, and how she found herself “ broke, busted and disgusted” and even homeless for 7 months.  But throughout her troubles, Ashley learned to trust God, and depend on Him completely, because in due season, the Lord not only opened amazing doors for her as an actress, but He also transformed her life in a way she never expected.