The Power of His Name #4 (Reprise)


When Adam was given dominion, he was also given the responsibility to name creation. Whatever he called it, that is what it was. The highest authority is given the right to name something. This is the reason that the authority of Jesus can never be questioned. God exalted Him and named Him above every other name. The name of Jesus outranks every other name. Do you remember how the angel of the Lord visited the virgin Mary? He tells her that she would give birth and have a son. He told her that she would call his name Jesus. The angel never gave Mary the right to name Jesus. He was named by God. Mary never had authority over Jesus. His heavenly Father named Him and told her what to call Him. This is so beautiful and critical to us that we understand the gift that God gave Jesus and that He in turn gave us when He gave us permission to use His name over the heartaches and crises of our lives. Whatever you may be facing when you call on the name of Jesus, you have literally invited the power of God into your circumstances. When God shows up, He will then show out. You can count on it!