The Power of His Name #3 (Reprise)


Have we been living far beneath our God given potential because we never understood or applied the powerful name of Jesus? Is it possible that the very name of Jesus, when spoken with heartfelt belief can heal the sick and move mountains? Scripture teaches us that this is exactly true. God exalted Him and named Him above every other name and then Jesus turned and gave us the permission to use His authority to transact Kingdom business in the earth. This is important because the ability and the authority to name something is one of the blessings and privileges of dominion. When God created Adam, he created him in His image and then gave him dominion over all the earth. He gave Adam the right to name the creatures of the earth. Creation did not get a vote. Adam decided. We understand that the power to name is given to the one who has the greater authority. This is critical. Do not let anyone give something a name in your life that is contrary to what God has called it. Do not submit to the authority of anyone else who negatively defines you or your life experience. Do not even do it to yourself. It is easy to do when you are hurt or agitated. You empower what you name. Be careful what you declare is unattainable, impossible, or unforgiveable. Be careful who you say is unlovable. Some circumstances that you declare are destructive were meant to develop you. David said, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” In the beginning, he names it,” The valley of the shadow of death.” When he came out of the other side of the valley, it was named the “valley of fear no evil.” He came through it and out the other side of it. No human on earth can dispute the power in the name of Jesus because they will never be able to dispute the power of THE ONE who named Him.