The Power of His Name #5 (Reprise)


Once we understand what it means to call on the highest-ranking name in the universe and honestly believe that we have access to Him by that name, it will transform our entire paradigm for living. This is the good news of the gospel. In the book of Exodus there is the story of the burning bush. God speaks to Moses through a burning bush and instructs him to go to Pharaoh and tell him to, “ Let my people go!” Moses asks God an incredibly significant question. “Who shall I say sent me?” He is going to a ruler to demand the release of millions of people. Moses’s question is legitimate. He wants to know on whose authority he will be speaking. What right does Moses have to demand anything from the highest-ranking authority. He was no equal. BUT GOD WAS MORE THAN PHAROAH’S EQUAL! MOSES WAS NOT SPEAKING ON HIS OWN AUTHORITY, RATHER HE WAS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF THE AUTHORITY OVER THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. In the King James version God answers and says, “Tell them, I AM THAT I AM.” The closest translation means,” I will be what they need me to be, when they need me to be it.” In other scriptures Jesus identifies Himself by saying, “ I am The Light of the world.” “ I am The Bread of Life.” “ I am Living Water.” “ I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE” God said,” I AM THAT I AM!” In the desert God was the fire and the cloud. Whatever you need Him to be, that is what He will be. When you call on the name of Jesus, He steps into your situation. Call on Him today. He is waiting for you to ask Him to reveal to you His presence and His power!