Dripping With Favor

Lisa Briscoe

Lisa Briscoe

Our segment today is called “Dripping With Favor,” and that’s a perfect description of our featured guest, Lisa Briscoe, who experienced a “divine intervention” and God’s “grace” at a time when she needed it the most. 

Growing up in a wealthy family, Lisa enjoyed all the “finer” things of life, but once she turned 18 and began living on her own, rebellion set in.  She became obsessed with the “party scene,” and before long she indulged herself by taking almost every drug she could get her hands on (with the exception of heroin) and eventually began selling drugs to support her habit and pay the bills.  Her life spiraled completely out of control as she was arrested three times for selling an illegal controlled substance…with the second offense landing her in jail for three months.  After her third arrest, now a convicted felon, Lisa was paralyzed with fear that she may be going to prison for 20 years because she knew that under Texas law… “three strikes and you’re out!”  But God had a different game plan. 

Listen as Lisa shares her amazing story of transformation and restoration by a sovereign God whose power, love, mercy, and favor covered her and delivered her from the “powers of darkness” …bringing her into “His marvelous light”…where she boldly stands today!