The Tapestry

Jacqui Baldwin

Jacqui Baldwin

Our guest today is Jacqui Baldwin…who many refer to as “Sista Jacqui.”  She is an ordained Minister, Music Evangelist/Psalmist and Missionary, and she uses her God given gift as a Gospel vocalist to spread the good news of Jesus Christ around the world.  In 1996, Jacqui received her “call” from the Lord to become a Music Evangelist while traveling with Dr. Francis Thomas in Jamaica.  From there, she began traveling with Larry Strum Ministries around the U.S. and abroad in places like England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Israel…with extended stays in New Zealand, and Australia.  It was in Australia where she was given the title of “World Class Gospel Singer.”  But in the midst of her ministry adventures and successes, personally, she faced many challenges …and oftentimes it seemed like everything in the world was coming against her to push her in a corner and get her to stop.  Life was not easy for the single mother of three, as she endured a sexual assault that left her emotionally shattered…experienced the heartbreak of divorce…faced the challenges of raising three kids alone…and recently, suffered the devastating loss of her son.  In our segment today called “The Tapestry,” you will hear how God has intricately woven together all the good and bad experiences in Jacqui’s life to create in her a pure heart and an even deeper commitment to walk out her destiny… trusting and obeying God every step of the way.  Where God leads, she follows and nothing can diminish her “flame” which is burning brighter now than ever before!!