The Power of His Name #13 (Reprise)


The Message Bible is a great translation for this series of messages. It says in Hebrews chapter one, that, “ The Son perfectly mirrors God and is stamped with His nature.” The name and the nature should by synonyms. After Jesus completed His sacrifice for our sins, He took His place High in the heavens right along side God, FAR ABOVE any angel in rank or in rule. Jesus has been given the name above all names. The prophets spoke to the people for God. Jesus enters the picture and He speaks AS God. He presently occupies the seat of power. No other past or present authority can compete with Him. With no occupancy, you have no rightful authority. The pharisees in scripture would often challenge Jesus, by quoting Moses and the prophets and the asking what He would say on a given subject. Nobody who has ever lived, is presently living or who will live in the future can compare or compete with our King, our Lord, and our Redeemer.