Activate Truth #3 (Reprise)


Do you want every promise God has for you in His Word to become a reality? Then you must cooperate with your faith to bring it to pass. You will first have to discern truth and then receive it. Next you will have to cooperate with what you say you believe. Many people believe that exercize is good for the body. It will not do them any good personally however, unless they engage with that belief by exercizing. The Bible teaches us that faith without works is dead. You don't have to work to earn salvation, but in order to activate the priciples of the truth and promises of God, you must participate by acting on them. If you believe in the principle of forgiveness, then you will have to choose to put forgiveness into practice in your life. The walk of faith was never to be only cognative in nature. It was to be an experience that results in a manifestation. Sometimes it may feel that you are being asked to walk on water. Faith will require that you step out of your comfort zone and into the arena where the supernatural can occur. God honors faith. It is an action word. He will meet you there.