A Breast of the Situation - Karen Seaman

A Breast of the Situation

Price: Free to Download

Written By: Karen Seaman

A Breast of the Situation is a book about the real experiences of fictional people. The author writes, "The stories written in this book are intended to inform you about getting the best breast healthcare possible. My opinions expressed in these stories are derived from my many years of dealing with multiple doctors and thousands of patients. The stories will help you know how, when and where to go to get excellent care. You will be armed with much of the knowledge that many healthcare professionals have taught me over time. I hope that the frankness and transparency in these stories will inspire you and add to your understanding of the physical, emotional and spiritual impact of breast cancer and its prevention." These stories tell about women who have won, lost and are still fighting their battles with breast cancer. As you read A Breast of the Situation, Karen Seaman hopes you will learn how to become a better advocate for your own health. Her experience, commitment and extensive training are reflected in these true-life stories.

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